How to Rugby:
Rugby is typically thought of as a hybrid of football and soccer. However, rugby is a sport all of its own. The basics of which can be hard to grasp simply because they go against the basics of almost all other sports. First things first, you can never pass the ball forward. Rugby utilizies lateral and backwards passing. Players run onto their passing and run on with the ball in orfer to gain forward momentum. You may kick the ball forward to gain meters as well.
Rugby can be played in the style of 7s matches or 15s. 7s plays with 7 per team and 15s plays with 15 per team. Typically 7s matches are played in the late spring through the summer, while 15s is the fall and spring. (The Roses is a 15s club team)
The positions for playing rugby are divided between what is known as forwards and backs. The types of players will move the ball differently and play different roles on the field. Every position has different responsibilities and every position is esssential for a successful team.
The most basic way to describe rugby, is that rugby simply is. Typically the best sense of understanding comes after practices or sometimes after playing a match. The great news is ANYONE CAN PLAY RUGBY. Any athlete can be put into a position based on her skills and thrive.
Come out to one of our practices and we can teach you all you need to know to be a fantastic player!
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