The University of Oklahoma Women's Rugby Team is a Division 1 Collegiate Club Team. This means that while the OU Roses are in fact affliated with the University of Oklahoma, you do not have to be a student in order to play. The Roses are always looking forward to working with new recruits, and we invite anyone to come out to practice with us. Please fill out one of our contact forms or just come out to a practice if you're interested!

Building Experience
There is no experience necessary to come out and play for the Roses. The best part of rugby is there is a position for all kinds of athletes. Come out in athletic gear ready to learn and we'll take care of the rest!

With the beginning of the fall semester the Roses will hold open practices every Tuesday and Thursday, from 6:30-8:30 at the pitch, located at the corner of Chautauqua and GT Blankenship.

"Saturdays a Rugby Day" is more than just a chant. It is essentially a rugby law. All league matches will be held on Saturdays. Rugbaes gotta work off the pitch too.