Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Will it hurt?
The honest answer? Yes. You will be tackled by an opposing team at which point your body will hit the ground and there will be some stinging. However, you will feel an overwhelming amount of adrenaline surge through your body, so the pain you feel during matches is really quite minimal.
Q: Okay.. But will I get injured?
Rugby is no different than any other sport you will come across in that there is alwys a possibility that you will be injuried. However, there is a great deal of misconception surrounding rugby and our safety. WE TAKE SAFETY EXTREMELY SERIOUSLY. Proper form is taught and drilled to ensure everyone is exercising safe technique in both practice and matches. We do everything in our power to prevent the injury of both our players as well as the women we compete with.
Q: So. Now that I know I'll survive. What do I wear?
During practice any athletic wear that you feel comfortable running in. We do emphasize that we advise the wear of sliders or spandex under your shorts. You will become familiar with the ground, extra cushion is your friend. Wear clothes that you don't mind getting dirty! You will, eventually, want a pair of cleats, soccer cleats will be your best bet for starters. Also, as we are sure that you have a dazzling smile it is encouraged that you buy and wear a mouth piece to guard those pearly whites!
Q: When is rugby season?
Rugby takes place year round between 15s and 7s style of play. The Roses are a 15s team which means our season takes place in the fall and the spring. Esentially when the academic year begins, so do we. When the academic year ends, so do we :(
Q: What if I've never played a sport before?
Well. There is no time like the present! Rugby is a sport that can be learned and played by all different types from all different backgrounds.
Q: So, is there a particular way I should prepare or workout for the season?
Of course! Our matches are two 40 minute halves so you should certainly focus on building an amount of endurance. An emphasis on cardio would of course be benificial. Your specific preparation apart from cardio would then vary by position. Some emphasize strength, others emphasize speed, some a mixture of the two. Start with cardio and when you get deeper into a position the other skills will come naturally.
Q: This all sounds great, but what if I don't know about the time commitment?
The Roses practice as a team twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30-8:30pm. Additionally, our matches take place on Saturdays only, with occasional tournaments that will dip into Sunday morning. We understand that our women are accomplished individuals both on and off the pitch. If you miss a practice every now and then? It is okay. Call a veteran player and try to get some skills in or do some extra cardio on your time instead. School and work are both very important. Rugby should be something that you enjoy doing in addition to the commitments you already have. Bottom line: we want you to have a life!